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ZADA INC Solutions


Telecommunications Industry

The focus of ZADA’s Telecommunication and Industry Solutions is to deliver core infrastructure and system needs that the telecommunication industry can utilize in improving its core structure and also defining better its integration of local content and high technology solutions into the local environment. More specifically, ZADA is bringing power constructing opportunities, satellite technologies, financial management systems geared specifically for the telecommunication industry and other services such as routing and billing systems that are necessary for improving constructors in the industry. Our client experience includes:

Providing New Business Development to a major top 50 Telecom Equipment Manufacturer in U.S
Market Assessment of Telecom Products for a major Computer Manufacturer
Providing Corporate Reorganization to a West Coast Telecom Carrier
Instituting New Cell Tower Program Assessment for a Top African Wireless Carrier
Currently designing Telecommunication Infrastructure needs for the African Union

ZADA and its partners have played a key role in delivering these new solutions. In the near future, the telecommunication solution focus of ZADA will continue to help Institutions improve their Infrastructure in the new projects and the ability to immediately deliver

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