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ICA Consulting

ICA Consulting - ICA Consulting is a relationship formed with the MIT Sloan School of Management in delivering advisory services to clients in areas that have been mentioned above. ICA was formed in 2003 by members of ZADA and the staff of the entrepreneurship group of MIT Sloan and has helped clients in delivering services in project and program management, vendor assessment and technology transformation and change management systems. Major Offerings include:

Strategy and Advisory Services
Long and Short Term Scenario Planning
Project Implementation Plans
Market Assessments

Currently ICA is involved in the change management and transformation exercise of the African Union in Addis Ababa where the company, to date, has billed $70,000 worth of services and continues to play a lead role in designing and defining the technology strategy for the Region. ICA looks to utilize the services of MIT Sloan to execute Projects and Programs with strategy and advisory quality services. The solutions offered in ICA consist of the advisory components of ZADA’s major offerings.

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